
T-Shirt Giveaway!
Are you a scuba diver? Know a scuba diver? Anyone who dives Children's Pool is entitled to one FREE T-SHIRT!
Have a witness, or if you are a member of the Divebums list http://www.divebums.com/General/Email_Lists.html , simply file an informal dive report email giving the particulars like depth, time, temp, and things seen. You can choose your shirt size at the following Council of Divers meeting ( www.sddivers.com ) or email the secretary, jleek001@san.rr.com to arrange transfer. These shirts are not for sale - they can only be earned.
If you want others with you, contact jleek001@san.rr.com or
ddttjj@gmail.com and we can set a date.
Note you should follow the recommendations of NOAA Office of Law Enforcement here in San Diego and the lifeguards:
1. You should enter the water as far away from seals as is practical.
2. If seals are completely across the beach, you might consider coming back on a sunny day because the seals will be few then. *
3. Walk to the water with a slow steady pace, with arms and fins tucked in.
4. Do not stare at the seals, as eye contact is discomforting. Keep your back turned when possible.
5. Do not stop at the water's edge and fool with your gear; have that all done, or do it in the water.
6. The city has taken down the rope. Children's Pool is a public beach. There never was any city, state, or federal law against going into Children's Pool. If somebody challenges you, say nothing. Their intent is to draw you into an argument and spoil your dive, maybe videotape you blowing up. Nobody can touch you.
7. Swim out from the Pool in the middle of the exit area, where a rip tide will help you out.
8. Return to the Pool as closely to the sea wall as you can, so the rip tide and surge will carry you (fling you on a bad day) into the pool.
9. You may spear fish there or bag lobsters in season, should you have your fishing license (and lobster gage) with you.
* You may also access the same area through Shell Beach to the north. There is a longer swim involved. Unless conditions are very unusually calm, it is an advanced dive as well. Also note, persons who try to intimidate beach users are plentiful on sunny weekends. On a weekday there is only one person there, and there will be nobody there at 8 in any morning.